Princess Gayle's 1st Birthday Bash
Daddy & mommy did a great job planning for my 1st Birthday party. Knowing which characters I like best, Barney came as the main cast on my birthday theme & Mickey/Minnie were there for me on my birthday cake!
I had the best of both worlds! *Blissful*
My 1st year album, goodie bags & personalised birthday favors
Just before the party begins, I had a great time 'performing' for my family
Here comes Princess Gayle, making the grand entrance holding ang pows
He is my fave Keith jiu-jiu
Amy & Kaven, Joelle & Ayden
Felicia & Caleb
We would like to give thanks to our family, relatives & friends for your presence & your generous gifts. And to those who have helped in one way or another, making the celebration a wonderful one.