Liverpool 18 Aug
Where are we heading? To Daddy's favourite football team..
Liverpool Football Club @ Anfield
We rented a car in London and the trip to Anfield is around 3 hours.. Long eh! Luckily daddy rented me a car seat too, when I'm seated there I could see the highway views and can sleep in it whenever I'm tired. And Aunt Grace and Uncle Ryan came along with us, and their company is great. Aunt Grace played with me lots, making the road trip so much fun. We drove past patches of greens and we saw cows, sheeps, horses!! WOW!!
Daddy: I wanna see more of LFC, please let go of me..
Counting on... the number of trophies! The LFC finatics.. haha! See our windbreakers, we bought them there!This one I know, Steven Gerrard
Having a feel at the medal.. whahaha Outside the musuem/ Stadium Though its pouring a little, the weather did not damper our moods
Running along with the other kids