Potty Ready
Mommy bought me this Bjorn potty when I was around 8 months old. Since then, I have been using it to wee-wee twice a day before my shower. Mom's intention to start me at this young age is to get me comfortable in using potty (as in sitting on it without fear). Mom is proud of me of cos, I pee at the very 1st seating, no fear and I got it naturally. Voila! My 1st wee wee caught in the potty at 8 months.Poo? O u mean I can poo in potty too!? I did not know I can poo in a potty until today, I'm already 14 months! Hmph! Not too late eh, I did my 1st poo in the potty this evening! Mom witnessed it and she got so excited, gave me lotsa praise & hugs afterwards! I'm finally potty ready :)
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