More Words & Actions at 15 months
Growing - we do it everyday!
I have been melting daddy's and mommy's hearts by calling them on purpose. You should hear me say 'Daddy' & 'Mommy' in my sweetest voice. At 15 months, I know how to cry when daddy leaves for work in the morning, and look around for him in the house during the day by calling 'daddy, come..'. Aww, thats so sweet right. When mom picks me up from granny's place after work, I will call 'mommy' and welcome her a big hug and kiss.
I've learnt to call 'gong gong', 'ah ma', 'gu-gu', 'yi-yi'. I am able to identify many people and objects when asked, and read words from books/DVD like Baby, Nose, Head etc. I can read pictures of Duck, Horse, Puppy, Cat, Shoes, Bears, Trains, Balls, Dogs, Chicks, Apples, Flowers, Cars & many more. Mom has been doing flashcards with me every morning and at certain times in the day, I will intentionally ask for 'card' & mom will be most happy to flash them for me.
I can sing many songs (Barney songs especially) and dance with rhythm. Oh and something that made mom & dad laughed hysterically everytime, is I am able to sing the Teochew version of rock-a-bye baby. Mommy is trying to catch me sing that song on video, will update once she has it.