Thursday, March 12, 2009

Diaperless Training

Mommy has all along wanting me to go diaperless, but there were some logistics problem at home for 2 weeks. Now that we have a new helper at home, mommy said its time to start!

9 March - Mom brought me to the toilet bowl every half/hr and I pee effortlessly. But there were times she forgot about bringing me to the loo and I could not control my bladder, I wet my pants. I did that for a total of 4 times (OOPS!!!), but mommy was patient and kept encouraging me. I could response 'wee wee come out' after I wet my pants, i suppose thats not too bad for a start!? Hee!!!

10 March - Training is the same as yesterday. I still wet my pants when mommy forgot to bring me to the toilet.

11 March - Went on diapers only during nap time and mommy was glad the diaper stayed dry throughout my nap. Immediately I woke up, I told mommy 'poo poo' pointing to my diaper. I guessed I got the terms mixed up. I went wee wee instead of poo poo, but mommy sees that its an improvement, at least I could say I wanna go potty. :) I wet my pants twice (improving!). Before I went to bed, I told mommy 'wee wee come out' (but I did not wet my pants this time) and I held on to my pee until I reached the toilet bowl, mommy and daddy were so impressed! I'm so proud of what I did when they gave me lotsa claps and hugs! I knew I am getting the hang of this :)

12 March - My 1st official communication ' wee wee' to my daddy in the early am and daddy is very surprised that my diaper was completely dry for the night! I did my 1st wee wee in the toilet bowl this morning. I can tell mommy 'wee wee' everytime I want to visit the toilet! Well done, keep it up Gayle!

Mom hopes to complete diaperless training in months to come (p/s: I have been poo-ing in the toilet bowl since many months back *wink*). At the same time, I'm learning to self-feed... BUT mommy is so afraid of the mess, haha!!

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