Poor me! I'm diagnosed having a viral infection which resulted in a high grade fever (over 39 degrees). Got dad & mom so worried. I know they are heartbroken to see me like this. The fever affected my appetite for food, so sad! But I still have energy (reserved energy) for play, haha! Seriously, I dislike the cooling pad 'taped' on my forehead, feel so uncomfortable!
Look how thrilled mom is!!! We are so lucky, we had the whole capsule to ourselves! Thanks to daddy who did a reservation for signature cocktail tickets. I'm very happy too, see the smile on my face.
See, I'm 'ooh-ing' again. Did a bird flew past & caught my attention? Heh, no!! I can't take my eyes off the flags that are flying high up, you should see it.
A globe of colourful flowers, mom can't resist in taking pictures
Yay! I'm now among the beautiful flowers. Erm Papa, looks like you are the only thorn around.. muahahaha..
Papa, its a special day for you and mama. I have an idea, let's celebrate by eating out! The day begun with a sumptous breakfast at Delifrance. Let's go!
Dining out with papa and mama on their special day. I'm sure they are so delighted to have me with them. This day marks my first time eating out too! Mom brought with her my delicious homemade porridge with pumpkin. Dad and mom made it a pleasurable experience for all of us and we reserved a table at Tung Lok Signature @ Vivo.
Yay! No fuss at all, Slurp & Burp!
Water? Did I say I dislike water, plain water. Entice me with some gripe water please. Thank you mommy.
Baby G wishes Daddy & Mommy a very Happy 11 years together! Its more than a decade of love, wow! I love you all! Keep loving one another.
I love 'gai gai'. I will kick my legs whenever I'm near the main door, hoping that I can take a step out of the house. I can see and learn more things when I'm out you know. Mom/ grandpa/ grandma will take turns to bring me down for a stroll and I can never get tired of it.
Daddy took time to bring me & mom out to Taka baby fair today despite his busy schedule. Thanks 'papa' daddy! I'm so blessed!!
That's me in my Baby Gap hoodie dress. Mom bought it specially for me from the SMH overseas spree, it flew all the way from the states to me.
I'm growing up as you can see. Small toys no longer interest me, poor Mommy has to spend money to get me BIGGER toys. Take a look & you shall see what I need to keep myself occupied daily. Needless to say, Gymboree ball is one of my fave.
I can throw!
Ah huh... I saw something new. What's that? I better lay my hands on it before mom takes it away from me again. Oops! Pic taken! I'm caught getting hold of mom's new mobile.
My new landed property Knock knock. Anybody there? Who cares? I'm coming right in.